Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer part-time Virtual Assistants?


Our part-time Virtual Assistants are available with a minimum requirement of 20 hours per week.

How are payments processed?


We use Stripe to securely process all payments. Once you sign up, we will send you an invoice for the monthly subscription, which will be automatically billed.

Can I share my Virtual Assistant with other people?


Absolutely! You may share your Virtual Assistant with your coworkers, colleagues, business partners, or anyone else as long as the Virtual Assistant is comfortable with it.

How do you do outreach on LinkedIn?


When reaching out to prospects on LinkedIn, it is best to refrain from using automation. This not only puts you at risk with LinkedIn but also can make you appear unprofessional to potential clients. To have successful business relationships, you should prioritize building a connection based on trust and likability. Doing so involves engaging in non-sales related conversations to get to know the person better. To stay top of mind, try to build a relationship by engaging in conversations and interacting with their LinkedIn profile and posts for a few weeks. It is appropriate to ask for specific problems that your products or services can solve only after you have earned their trust.

What kind of marketing efforts do you specialize in?


We provide a range of dynamic services to help you excel: 🚀 A.I. appointment setting 💼 Virtual Assistant support 📱 Social Media Management 🔎 LinkedIn Lead Generation 🌐 Web Development 📞 Telemarketing 🎨 Brand Strategy & Design Let us empower your business with our expertise!

What kind of support can I expect from your agency to benefit my business?


At One Source Solutions, we take great pride in offering comprehensive support to our clients. We work closely with you to gain a deep understanding of your business objectives, target audience, and unique challenges. Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the process, from initial strategy development to implementation and ongoing optimization. We provide regular communication, performance reporting, and analysis to ensure you are well-informed about the progress and success of your digital marketing campaigns. Furthermore, we offer guidance on industry best practices and emerging trends to ensure your business remains at the forefront of the digital landscape.

Who is responsible for creating the content your agency provides?


Here, the content we provide is crafted by a team of experienced individuals who have been in the content game for a good while. We don't do it all in-house; we also collaborate with talented folks from Asia to bring a global perspective to our work. It's all about combining skills and knowledge to serve you the best content we can.

How much involvement is required from the business?


The level of involvement needed from your business really depends on the situation. We aim to take care of everything for you, but there might be times when we need you to be available for input or decisions, depending on the specific requirements. Rest assured, we're always looking out for what's best for your business.

Does my business really need digital marketing?


In today's business landscape, digital marketing is pretty much a must-have. Without it, you might find it tough to stay afloat in the sea of competition out there. We can lend a hand to make sure you don't get lost in the crowd.

What is your pricing model or how do you charge for services?


Our pricing varies depending on the specific services you're interested in. To get the details, you can check out our pricing list page for a breakdown of costs.

Can you describe the team structure? Who will be working on my account?


Our team is designed to offer flexibility and adaptability to meet the unique needs of every client. With a diverse range of experts possessing various skill sets, we meticulously assemble the most suitable team for each project, tailoring it to specific requirements. This meticulous approach ensures that we consistently deliver exceptional service and produce high-quality work that precisely aligns with our client's needs.

Can you modify your digital marketing plan if my business objectives change?


Certainly, we are more than willing to adapt our strategy in response to any changes in your business goals. We recognize that priorities and objectives can evolve over time, and it is crucial to remain flexible and responsive to these shifts. Moreover, we employ a comprehensive process for monitoring and evaluating our progress, allowing us to identify areas where adjustments may be necessary in our strategy.

Does LinkedIn outreach work?


While LinkedIn outreach can be effective, it has become more challenging to receive connection acceptances and responses from individuals. Most people receive a large amount of spam outreach every day, which is why it can be difficult to get responses to your LinkedIn messages. To increase your chances of success, you'll need to come up with creative approaches that differ from what others typically do. To communicate effectively, be genuine, personable, and avoid spamming. Find common ground and inquire about their interests instead of assuming they require your products or services. When they acknowledge an issue that your business can resolve, that's when you can present your pitch. Instead, try to spark curiosity and encourage them to inquire about your line of work.

Why is LinkedIn outreach important?


If you only wait for people to come to you, your LinkedIn network growth will be very slow. So, it's crucial to do outreach on LinkedIn to speed up the process. LinkedIn allows you to send a maximum of 100 connection requests per week. Based on an average acceptance rate of 40%, this translates to adding 160 new connections to your network each month.

Are connections on LinkedIn important?


Having LinkedIn connections is crucial as it increases the visibility of your LinkedIn content, allowing it to reach a wider audience that could potentially be interested in what you have to offer. The newsfeed algorithm of LinkedIn operates such that it presents your content to a small number of your first-degree connections first. If people engage with your post on LinkedIn, it will be shown to more people in your 2nd and 3rd-level network. This creates a snowball effect that leads to virality, resulting in more engagement and views.

What is a good number of LinkedIn connections?


Having more than 500 LinkedIn connections is often seen as desirable. However, it's crucial to prioritize the quality of your connections over sheer quantity. Your goal should be to connect with individuals who are a part of your target market and are more likely to engage in business with you or recommend your business to others.

What is the difference between following and connecting on LinkedIn?


To view someone's content on your LinkedIn newsfeed, you need to follow them. To send messages to someone on LinkedIn, you must first send them a connection request and wait for them to accept it, which will make you a 1st-degree connection.

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